A vision of the future…harmony,blessings and divine joy!

Dear Friends,

Greetings. We held satsang at our home in Ananda Laurelwood last evening. It was, as ever, a great joy to come together with others who have made central to their lives a search for inner understanding and a pattern of life that reflects Divine harmony.
It has, once again, been a tumultuous time in the political arena, an indication of just how much turmoil exists in the world consciousness at this time. Yogananda explained how, during a change of yugas, the different energies bump into each other as the new age (and souls in tune with that age) enter and souls in tune with the passing age exit. We are witnessing just such a confluence.
Good news is that we are indeed entering a higher age, one with more capacity for global cooperation, increasing creativity and harmony with other beings and nature herself. The trying news is that the forces of Kali Yuga are still attempting to hang on to control, to revert things to the values of that age, where separation, self-interest, egoic indifference to any reality beyond one’s own were all the common currency of daily life.
While it is essential for us to spend our days in earnest effort to live and reflect the highest values we ourselves can imagine, it is fruitless to attempt to dictate to a global karma. Ananda was born to create a living alternative for all who are so inspired. We need not rebel or lash out at the machinations of the larger world, if we spend our time building communities filled with inspiration, friendship, cooperation, harmony with nature, simplicity, and above all, communion with God. It would seem that, if we genuinely set ourselves to that task, we will have very little left over time and attention to worry what others are doing.
This is not an encouragement to narrowness or blindness, but an encouragement to do what we can to make a real difference. It is well understood in scientific circles that new understandings are not adopted because the current scientific establishment adopts new insights, but because the established understanding dies out with those who are committed to it.
If we wish to life in an inspired and divine culture, we do best to explore and model it in our own lives. Others will be inspired naturally, and thus has Ananda spread from Swami Kriyananda and a small handful of devotees to a global movement. The need is greater than ever, and we have an unparalleled opportunity for service as things in the larger world continue to become increasingly contentious.
We feel deeply blessed to be serving the Ray of the Divine Light with you all – helping souls from all nations, all pathways and religions, all ages and genders to remember:
That we are God’s children equally.
That a life filled with His presence can yield beauty, joy and fulfillment beyond anticipation.
That kindness, cooperation, and patience yield their own fruits.
Let us together turn our minds and hearts more deeply to the task at hand of living and sharing this blessed pattern of life. And let us join our energies to all those in the world who are likewise committing their lives to exploring and sharing the Light.
In the love of our Masters, Swamiji and Ananda,
nayaswamis daiva and gangamata

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